How to be in a Healthy Relationship under this Lockdown.

Throughout this COVID-19 pandemic, numbers of divorce, household abuse cases, and also mental health problems are increasing not just in our country but across the world as well. If anyone asks what are the takeaways from this pandemic, one of them is to take good care of your mental and physical health.

We all know, we have been through a lot of lockdowns within these two years. Staying at home is more than going out where you also face the same people every day throughout the whole time of staying at home. Couples, who are staying together, might find it difficult being stuck at home for that long lead to the out of idea what to do and what to talk to each other which makes the relationship dry or may be sick of seeing each other every single day, 24/7. This is where problems will come and might increase domestic crimes whatever they can be. Hence, how to be in a healthy relationship and keep the spark on?


P/s: this is not coming from a relationship expert but from a personal experience to share that might help the people out there.


  1. Space – give each other personal space when they need it. This is where the downfall is, the couple didn’t t give each other enough personal space for their personal growth. Especially cases where both couples are working from home, it is important to give each other space to do their task at work and be understanding the problems they are having in work or maybe could even help each other when they have no idea how to face the difficulties in work.


  1. Communication – tell each other and be honest about what they are okay with or not okay with. Growing up in this society, communicating is not a thing for us. I meant the real heart to heart talk between couples or just people in general. There is always the “should I tell?” thoughts that hold people back from being honest and confronting. Might be to protect the person’s feeling from getting hurt but end up with a conflict. They said “Honesty is the best policy” it still depends on your choice which you will go for to solve the problem in the


  1. Compromising – to give and take in every way you can. Sometimes you can’t let your significant other pamper you way too much. Because you will be very dependent on the person and it affects your own personal growth. This is not taught you to be selfish but there is a line between being selfish and giving away too much attention to the other one which leads to neglecting yourself. When problems like this arise, take a step back and think thoroughly if that is the decision you want?


It is always never good if you have too much of something and too little of something. And yes, it is hard to make things balance as well just like the well-known ‘work-life balance.’ I believe not even a quarter of the population can even achieve it at this point. Yet, still working towards it and people should try their best in everything if they want to work things out. It is like working towards your goals, making them happen. Hard work pays off if you are trying your best to make a better change but if it is not meant to be you need to learn to accept it.




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