KC28 and KC29 Issued After Marriage Counselling with the JPN: An Overview

KC28 and KC29 Issued After Marriage Counselling with the JPN by TYH & Co. Best and Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

If you are reading this article right now, you may be aware that you are required to attend the marriage counselling with the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Malaysia before you can file a single petition for divorce in Malaysia as a non-Muslim.

So, you may be asking what is the aim of the marriage counselling with the JPN?

Basically, the aim of the marriage counselling required under the law is to reconcile both the husband and wife in the event if the divorce is not agreed by either one of them. In the event if the divorce is mutually agreed by both the husband and wife, there is no need to attend the said counselling under the law where both parties may file the divorce petition directly.

During the counselling sessions, the marriage tribunal of the JPN will assist to resolve the conflicts and propose solutions to the parties in hope to save the marriage. There will be 3 sessions usually conducted by the marriage tribunal and the sessions must be completed within 6 months from the date of registration for the counselling.

After the completion of the marriage counselling sessions, the JPN will issue either one of the certificates known as KC28 or KC29. So, what is the difference?

What is KC28

KC28 will be issued after the counselling sessions are completed and parties are able to resolve their conflicts and decided to get back together to save their marriage. Hence, there is no further action needed.

Furthermore, KC28 will also be issued if either one of the parties doesn’t attend the counselling sessions and the marriage tribunal will issue the KC28 to indicate the absence of one party from the counselling. Take note that the applicant must go through all sessions even if his or her spouse doesn’t attend the counselling for whatever reason.  KC28 is still required to initiate the divorce proceedings.

What is KC29

KC29 will be issued after the counselling sessions are completed and parties are unable to resolve their conflicts and indifferences. In this case, the marriage tribunal will recommend parties to seek for a divorce if the marriage has irretrievably broken down. This document will be required before one can start to file a single petition for divorce in Malaysia.

What is next?

If you have obtained either the KC28 or KC29 from the JPN and decided to get a divorce, you may want to seek for advice from our divorce lawyer in order to find our what is the best way to move forward with the divorce process and know your rights better.

On the other hand, if you have yet to attend the marriage counselling with the JPN, there are also instances where you may apply to seek for an exemption from the marriage counselling if you can prove any of the grounds below:

  • You have been deserted and the whereabout of your spouse is unknown
  • Your spouse is in overseas and will not return to Malaysia within the next 6 months after the divorce is filed
  • Your spouse wilfully and intentionally ignored the marriage counselling (must provide KC28 to prove this)
  • Your spouse is imprisoned for more than 5 years
  • Your spouse has incurable mental illness
  • You can prove that there are exceptional circumstances and going to the marriage counselling is impractical

Regardless of what is your situation, it is best to seek advice from our divorce lawyer now so you can know what is the best option to move forward in order to save more time and cost in filing for a divorce in Malaysia.

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离婚需要找律师吗 by TYH & Co. Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

世俗总是教育我们要相信细水长流,从一而终的爱。但现实中,人生怎么永如初见,太多的诱惑,太多的误解,太多的分歧,太多的背叛,太多的绝望等; 很多人保存了回忆,但都保持不了爱情。




有时候想想,离婚不是为了争一口气,非得搞得你死我活。尤其是有孩子的,处理孩子抚养权的时候,自私的父母都会把孩子当成了筹码,犹如两个大象在打架,最后死了大象上的骑士 (小孩)。因此,铁定了离婚但达不成离婚条件共识的时候,双方也可以考虑由律师或调解员主持,大家再一起坐下来谈谈尝试调解。有效的调解会议 (mediation) 可以避免耗时耗钱耗力的打官司。

接着,在国外完成了离婚手续,外国的离婚证 / 离婚庭令是不会自动在马来西亚生效的。您需要委任马来西亚的律师向马来西亚的法庭申请认证庭令 (Declaration Order)。有了此认证庭令后,您 / 您律师才可以通知国民登记局以更新您的婚姻状态。

婚姻不仅仅是一张纸无形地束缚两个人,这个结往往牵涉了种种的关系,责任,意义,回忆,经历,情感等。婚姻不儿戏,离了婚,您还得对孩子负责; 也许您还得对另一半负责; 您还得分配清楚共同财产的规划。因此,恰当的律师会是您走出婚姻的导航人。

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我得如何离婚在马来西亚 by TYH & Co. Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

人生有时会到分叉口的时候,婚姻也一样。再恩爱的夫妻都可能有过100次离婚的冲动,能够挽留的,能够坚持的当然最好。但一段婚姻若已经穷途末路,被家暴的,被背叛的,彼此消耗的; 这些受害者可得想一想,我们从小至今,放弃过多少东西,放弃了,我们轻松了; 放下了,我们自在了; 不要了,我们心里安定了。


1) 若要在马来西亚离婚,一就是双方协议申请离婚,二就是单方面申请离婚,没有所谓的分居2年后会自动离婚的东西。

2) 双方协议离婚,顾名思义,双方必须就离婚与否,离婚的条件达成共识。若协议达不成,单方面申请离婚也是剩下的唯一选择。

3) 开启单方面申请离婚前,双方得先经过婚姻辅导。婚姻辅导的目的就是给双方机会谈谈并了解这段婚姻是否已经走到了陌路。有特殊情况的,例如另一半跑了路的失联多年的,可以尝试向法庭申请豁免婚姻辅导,但这项申请全权取决于法官的决定。另外,双方协议申请离婚的,就可以省略这些婚姻辅导。

4) 接下来,单方面申请离婚的,必须提出以下至少一项的离婚原因:

  • 另一半有了外遇,
  • 另一半有着不合理的行为,而这行为也导致了申请者无法容忍与之继续共处,
  • 被另一半抛弃了至少有连续两年,
  • 夫妻分居了至少有连续两年。

5) 接着就是委任对的律师。协议离婚的话,律师通常会草拟协议书等文件给双方签名。单方面申请离婚的,代表律师只会安排给申请者签署文件。

6) 签了文件,律师会呈交给法庭,而律师也会告知何时需要上庭。双方协议离婚一般需要3到6个月完成手续; 而单方面申请离婚通常需要6个月到1年完成手续。这也只是个大概,时间将取决于各个案件的复杂性,法庭的空档与安排,还有代表律师的效率等等。

7) 法庭批准了离婚,法律下有规定过了三(3)个月的 “过冷河期”后,离婚才会正式生效。若有特殊理由,双方也可以尝试向法庭申请减短这三(3)个月的过冷河期。

8) 离婚生效后,在律师拿到了法庭的庭令等文件后,通常就会通知国民登记局,好让登记局更新婚姻状态。


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如何在马来西亚以最省钱省时的方式离婚 by TYH & Co. Best and Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

也许您有听说过非穆士林要在马来西亚离婚很贵; 又或许您有听说过非穆士林要在马来西亚离婚得等上好一段时间,还有些会说马来西亚的离婚程序挺复杂。



  1. 孩子的抚养权,
  2. 孩子的抚养费,
  3. 另一半的赡养费,和
  4. 婚姻财产的分配。



通常,双方协议离婚的申请,法庭不会问过于复杂的问题,通常代表律师都会代之回答。若协议文件草拟得恰当,一切合情合理合法; 自然地,法庭也会批准离婚。法律下规定过了三(3)个月的 “过冷河期”后,离婚才会正式生效。若有特殊理由,双方也可以尝试向法庭申请减短这三(3)个月的过冷河期。

还有,温馨提醒,婚姻注册满了两(2)年才可以向法庭提出离婚申请。此外,协议离婚不需要经过婚姻辅导; 但若离婚协议达不成,申请者需完成了婚姻辅导后,方可开启单方面申请离婚。



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非穆士林在马来西亚的离婚程序与相关资料 by TYH & Co. Best and Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia


1) 婚姻注册需满两(2)年。若您的婚姻未满两(2)年,也许可以向法庭申请豁免这两(2)年的条件 (但需符合条规)。

2) 在马来西亚,如果双方能够达成离婚协议,那就申请双方协议离婚。若双方不能够达成离婚协议,单方面申请离婚就避免不了。当然,协议离婚会比单方面申请离婚省钱省时。

3) 离婚要谈的条件也许复杂,但法庭最主要考量的会是孩子的抚养权,孩子的抚养费,另一半的赡养费以及婚姻财产的分配。

4) 依据马来西亚的法律,法庭通常会把七(7)岁以下孩童的抚养权判给母亲。若情况特殊,例如母亲有毒瘾或母亲有虐待孩子的倾向,法庭也有可能把孩子的抚养权判给父亲。

5) 抚养费赡养费的数额通常取决于付费人的经济能力 (affordability) 还有孩子或另一半的所需 (needs)。

6) 婚姻财产分配通常会是较为复杂的环节。法庭会考量各种的因素,但最重要的取决于双方各自的贡献。贡献可以是金钱上的付出 (例如谁负责还贷款),或者在时间或家庭方面的付出 (例如妻子为了孩子和家庭放弃了事业,扛起了全职妈妈的摊儿,法庭也会考量这方面的贡献)。

7) 接下来,法庭通常都会批准没有孩子抚养权的一方探望孩子,因为看父母是孩子们的基本权利。

8) 关于双方协议离婚,法庭通过不会过问离婚的原因。但至于单方面申请离婚,申请者就得向法庭呈解离婚的缘由。

9) 刚才提到的,双方协议离婚会比单方面申请离婚来得省钱省时。

10) 双方协议离婚,通常双方只需要出席文件签名一次,接下来上法庭一次。

11) 至于单方面申请离婚,申请者通常都需要签文件多过一次,上庭多过一次。单方面申请离婚不易,通常双方在无法达成离婚协议无法沟通的情况下,或另一半跑路了联络不上了的情况下,才会选择开启单方面申请离婚。

12) 开始单方面离婚申请前,双方需要先出席婚姻辅导。双方协议离婚就不需要先经过婚姻辅导。


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How Much Does It Cost to Get a Divorce in Malaysia?

How Much Does It Cost to Get a Divorce in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Trusted Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

Getting a divorce for non-Muslim may seems to be an expensive affair in Malaysia. At least that is what you heard from your friends or family. So, how much does it cost to get a divorce in Malaysia? More importantly, what is the more affordable option available to get a divorce in Malaysia?

Basically, there are 2 ways to get a divorce in Malaysia for non-Muslim. They are known as joint petition (mutual divorce) & single petition (non-mutual divorce). Generally speaking, getting a divorce by way of joint petition is much cheaper and more affordable compared to getting a divorce by way of single petition.

What is Joint Petition & Single Petition

So, why is it cheaper to file for joint petition for divorce than filing for a single petition for divorce?

This is because for joint petition, both the husband and wife must consent to the divorce and agree to all the divorce terms including issues on custody of children (if any), maintenance of wife & children (if any) and division of the matrimonial assets.

The process to get a divorce by way of joint petition is pretty direct and straightforward as long as the divorce terms are voluntarily agreed upon.

On the other hand, to get a divorce by way of single petition, it will usually incur more cost due to the complexity of the process since there is no agreement in the first place.

In fact, if the single petition turns out to be contested (disputed), this will incur more cost since the case will be heading for trials in the court and there will be plenty of documents to be prepared by the divorce lawyer as well as court appearances.

Lastly, it is also important to note that some lawyers may charge disbursements and other miscellaneous cost separately. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you seek for full transparency on the legal fees involved for the divorce.


Getting a divorce may not be an easy decision. That is why it is best to ensure that your rights are well protected. It is also advisable to first seek for divorce settlement first in order to achieve an agreement between parties to save time and cost for divorce in Malaysia rather than spending unnecessary money fighting in the court.

At TYH & Co., our law firm is committed to provide affordable and fixed legal fees with no hidden charges. We also offer free initial legal consultation via WhatsApp as well as instalment plan.

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How To Get a Divorce Affordably in Malaysia

How To Get a Divorce Affordably in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Trusted Divorce Lawyer Malaysia

You may have heard that getting a divorce is expensive in Malaysia as a non-Muslim. That may stop you from thinking about it or even stop you from taking an action even if you are determined that the relationship has comes to an end with no chance of reconciliation. So, how to get a divorce affordably in Malaysia? Is it possible?

The short answer is, yes.

So, what can you do to get a divorce without breaking the bank?

The answer is to reach a mutual agreement or divorce settlement with your spouse before you file for a joint petition for divorce in Malaysia.

In essence, before you file for a divorce petition in Malaysia, both parties must come to an agreement on all the divorce terms such as custody of children (if any), maintenance of wife and children, and division of the assets (if any).

Process of Mutual Divorce in Malaysia

The process of filing a joint petition is fairly direct and straightforward.

Firstly, you need to engage a divorce lawyer to prepare all the necessary divorce papers and sign them.

Then, your divorce lawyer will file the divorce papers to the court and both the husband and wife must attend the court hearing in the court (or online via Zoom usually) at a later date.

After the court hearing is done and assuming that the court is satisfied that both parties consented to the divorce, the divorce process is considered done and the divorce certificate will be issued 3 months later after the court hearing under the law.

In addition, do take note that the marriage must be registered for more than 2 years and there is no need to attend any marriage counselling with the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) as long as the divorce terms are agreed upon.


In conclusion, getting a divorce is possible without breaking the bank as long as the divorce terms are agreed upon voluntarily.

In the event if no agreement is reached on any term, our divorce lawyer may assist to liaise and negotiate the terms for both parties to reach a settlement in order to save time and cost for the divorce.

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Quick Divorce Information for Non-Muslim in Malaysia

Quick Divorce Information for Non-Muslim in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Trusted and Affordable Divorce Lawyer in KL Selangor Malaysia

Quick Divorce Information for Non-Muslim in Malaysia

Are you going through a difficult time of your life now due to marital problems? You are not alone. Get quick divorce information for non-Muslim in Malaysia below.

With proper planning and discussion with your spouse, both of you can make it less painful and move forward to lead a better life ahead. Hence, getting the right legal support is crucial.

Purpose of this article is to provide more information on the essentials that you need to know to get a divorce in Malaysia in simple terms.

Quick Information on Divorce Law

  • Marriage must be registered for more than 2 years. If your marriage is less than 2 years, you may consider annulment or apply for special permission to get a divorce (must show special circumstances).
  • Generally, it is always advisable to seek for divorce settlement rather than fighting in the Court to save time and cost.
  • Divorce terms can be complicated. But the main essential terms that must be agreed upon are custody of children (if any), amount of maintenance for children (if applicable), maintenance for wife (or alimony) and division of assets (matrimonial assets).
  • The Court shall award the custody of children below the age of 7 to the mother. Only in special circumstances where the father will get the custody of children (for instance, if the mother is abusive).
  • Amount of maintenance for children and wife must be decided based on means and needs. In short, the amount must be reasonable taking into account the needs of the parties and affordability of the provider.
  • Division of assets (matrimonial assets) can be complex since there may be many deciding factors. In general, contribution of parties will be assessed. Contribution can be in form or monetary or non-monetary (such as taking care of the family being a housewife).
  • Any parent without the custody of the children must be given reasonable visitation rights. Only in special circumstances where access will be denied (such as abusive parent).
  • No need to show ground for divorce for joint petition. On the other hand, applicant must show ground for divorce for single petition.

Quick Information on Divorce Process

  • Joint Petition (mutual divorce) is generally faster and more cost effective than Single Petition (non-mutual divorce).
  • For joint petition, parties must sign divorce papers and attend the court hearing (usually 1 time only). Your divorce lawyer shall facilitate for the whole process.
  • For single petition, the applicant must sign the divorce papers and attend the court hearing. The respondent need not attend as long as the Court is satisfied that he/she is properly informed about the divorce proceedings against him/her. (Take note that single petition for divorce is generally a more complex process and this is only a general guide. In short, one can always file for single petition if his or her spouse does not agree to the divorce or went missing).
  • Marriage counselling (advisable with Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) is required before filing for single petition. On the other hand, no need to go for counselling if the divorce is mutual (Joint Petition).

The divorce process and law in Malaysia for non-Muslim can be complicated and confusing. The above information should be taken as a general guide. Therefore, it is always advisable to speak to the right divorce lawyer in Malaysia to understand your needs and rights better in order to save you time and money during this emotional period.

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A Simple Guide to Divorce in Malaysia

A Simple Guide to Divorce in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Best Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

Facing the end of a marriage can be emotionally and legally complex. This is especially true in Malaysia, where the process of divorce has its own specific procedures and regulations. This guide aims to simplify the divorce process in Malaysia, providing you with a clear understanding of the steps involved, your rights and responsibilities.

Grounds for Divorce

In Malaysia, there are 2 main ways to obtain a divorce:

  • Mutual Consent: This is the fastest and most straightforward option. Both spouses must agree to end the marriage and have reached a settlement on all matters related to child custody, property division, and financial support. No reason for divorce is needed if the divorce is mutual.
  • Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage: If mutual consent is not possible, you can file for divorce based on grounds that prove the marriage has broken down irretrievably. These grounds include:
    • Adultery
    • Unreasonable behaviour
    • Deserted for more than 2 years
    • Live in separation for more than 2 years

Steps in the Divorce Process

  • Consult a Lawyer: Engaging a qualified divorce lawyer is crucial. They can guide you through the legal complexities, ensure your rights are protected, and represent you in court.
  • Attend Counselling (only if the divorce is not mutual): This requirement under the law can help explore reconciliation possibilities and prepare you for the emotional impact of divorce.
  • File a Divorce Petition: Your divorce lawyer will draft and file a petition for divorce with the Court. This document outlines the grounds for divorce, proposed settlements for child custody, property division, and financial support.
  • Court Hearing: The court will hear both sides of the case and assess the evidence presented. If the court is satisfied with the grounds for divorce and the proposed settlement is fair, a decree nisi will be granted.
  • Decree Nisi: This is an interim order that allows reconciliation that lasts 3 months. After 3 months, the decree nisi becomes absolute, finalizing the divorce.
  • Update of Divorce Status: Your divorce lawyer will update Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Malaysia on your divorce status.

Additional Considerations

  • Child Custody: If you have children, reaching an amicable agreement on their custody is essential. The court will prioritize the best interests of the child when making a custody decision.
  • Property Division: Assets and liabilities acquired during the marriage will be divided fairly between the spouses. This may involve negotiations, mediation, or court orders.
  • Financial Support: One spouse may be entitled to financial support from the other, depending on their income and needs under the law in Malaysia.

By understanding the legal process and seeking professional legal guidance, you can navigate this challenging time with confidence and focus on rebuilding your life. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.

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Joint and Single Petition Divorces: Do You Need Your Own Lawyer?

Joint and Single Petition Divorces in Malaysia Do You Need Your Own Lawyer by TYH & Co. Divorce Law Firm in Malaysia

Ending a marriage in Malaysia, like most life events, can feel like going through a complex maze. You’re facing emotional turmoil, navigating legal procedures, and making crucial decisions about your future.

One of the first questions that pops up: Do I need my own lawyer for a divorce, especially if we’re filing a joint petition?

Understanding the Divorce Landscape: Joint vs. Single Petition

In Malaysia, you have two main divorce paths: joint petition and single petition.

Joint Petition: This option is ideal for couples who have reached a mutual agreement on the divorce terms, including child custody, property division, and financial settlements. It’s a faster and generally cheaper option compared to a single petition.

Single Petition: This route is chosen when there’s no agreement on the divorce terms, or one spouse refuses to cooperate. It’s a more complex and lengthy process, often involving court hearings and legal battles.

Can Both Parties Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

Now, the big question: Can you share a divorce lawyer with your soon-to-be ex in a joint petition? The answer is yes. Sharing a divorce lawyer is feasible assuming both parties have agreed to all the divorce terms and there is no dispute in between.

When Shared Representation Might Work:

In some cases, shared representation may be suitable if:

  • The divorce is amicable, and the terms are straightforward.
  • Both parties trust the lawyer and their ability to act fairly.
  • You’re confident you can communicate openly and honestly with your ex through the lawyer.

While sharing a lawyer may be a cost-saving measure, having your own lawyer offers significant advantages:

  • Independent Representation: You have your own divorce lawyer fighting for your specific interests and ensuring your rights are protected.
  • Personalized Guidance: You get individual attention and can openly discuss your concerns without fear of judgment or bias.
  • Confidence and Clarity: You have someone to explain legal complexities, guide you through the process, and answer your questions honestly.
  • Negotiation Expertise: Your lawyer can negotiate effectively on your behalf to ensure a fair and beneficial settlement.

Single Petition: Always Separate Lawyers?

In a single petition divorce, both parties must appoint their own divorce lawyer each. This ensures each spouse has their own legal counsel and protects their individual interests throughout the divorce proceedings.

Moving Forward with Divorce

Ultimately, the decision of whether to share a lawyer or have your own in a joint petition is a personal one. Consider the complexity of your divorce, your individual needs, and the level of trust you have in your soon-to-be ex.

Remember, seeking advice from a qualified divorce lawyer is crucial. They can assess your situation, explain your options, and recommend the best approach based on your unique circumstances.

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